
Colourful Inspiration

Brenda Smith of Serendipity Patchwork and Quilting posted last week about an opportunity to win a painting by artist Abie Loy Kemarre by filling out an online survey and subscribing to the newsletter of the gallery, Central Art Aboriginal Art Store. After doing so, I soon found myself on another site called Aboriginal Art Directory viewing slideshows of some really amazing artwork there. Have a look at these Aboriginal Artists Slideshows for some colourful inspiration.

Flickr artists are another great source of inspiration for me. Some time ago I stumbled across the excellent photo collage work of Roger Kellison aka Rogerio, who kindly gave his permission to post his work here and to use it as a source of inspiration for a quilted textile collage.

Roger Kellison

He explains the process he uses to create his collages this way:
"it is largely trial and error of layering pics until I find something I like...and then enhancing the resulting image. Usually this is done by darkening and cropping the collage. [I] often will turn one or other image on it's side or even upside down. Just playing around you could say."

Roger Kellison

Roger also introduced me to flickrleech, a very cool online tool that allows you to view any flickr user's account 200 photos at a time, because, as the flickrleech developer so eloquently states, paging sucks. You can view Roger's work on flickrleech here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I LOVE the slide shows on the Aboriginal Art website/blog. They are so inspirational. Thanks for including a link to my blog.