
Throw yourself into realms that call to you

by Tela Shibori
Maki-age and ori-nui Shibori
Black cotton discharged with thiox
11 x 18"
October 2007

"Be willing to throw yourself into realms that call to you, realms that for you embody important truths. There is no regret in life more intensely painful than not following the path to which your own ideas point. Believe in yourself and your ideas. This is called integrity. It keeps you whole and preserves your self-respect. You may have great leaps of imagination that no one at this moment believes in but you. It is a true test of your worth to be able to withstand the forces of being out there alone with your values. It is a place that most creative people come to many times in their lives. You learn to value it, understand it, and weather it. You may even grow to crave it." - Susan Brandeis, "A Creative Life", Surface Design, Winter 2007 Volume 31:2

To see the piece pictured above after it was stitched and before it was gathered and discharged, take a look here.

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